Statistics of People Affected by Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is known as a “silent thief of bones”. Osteoporosis starts at the age of 30 and gradually it keeps reducing the bone mass. To avoid osteoporosis, it is very important that in early years, balanced diet having enough calcium and vitamin D is taken. As the age increases the formation of new bones reduce and osteoporosis occurs. By the time people come to know about their new medical condition – osteoporosis, it is already too late. When the symptoms of osteoporosis start occurring, nothing much can be done. This is because the symptoms of osteoporosis occur at a very later stage when the skeleton becomes too brittle and fragile. The only symptom is bone fractures at mild stress. Some statistical figures on osteoporosis are presented here on the bases of various surveys conducted by WHO and other organizations.
According to WHO, osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease in developed countries. In United States alone, there are over 10 million people, who are already suffering from osteoporosis, and about 18 million people have started loosing bone mass and are more likely to develop osteoporosis. About 1 ½ million fractures in a year are caused due to osteoporosis. Among all the affected people 80% patients are females. Every second woman and one out of eight men suffer from fractures after the age of 50. The ratio of men and women suffering from osteoporosis is greatly different. This is because men have greater bone mass as compared to women.
Statistics of Osteoporosis Affected People Based on Racial Difference
The risk of Osteoporosis increases with age. After the age of 50 most people are affected by it. Osteoporosis is most common among Caucasian people. Asians are second most commonly affected and African-American are comparatively less affected races to suffer from osteoporosis. One out of every two elderly Caucasian woman as compared to one out of total 40 elderly Caucasian men of same age suffer from osteoporosis. According to an estimate, 54% postmenopausal white women suffer from osteoporosis.
Asians are second most affected people because of their low height and thin body structure. Vertebral fractures are more common in Asian women as compared to white women. It has been projected that by the year 2050, 50% of hip fractures will occur in Asia only. The African-American women are at lower risk of osteoporosis. Only 5% to 6% African-American women are at risk.
According to a study conducted by National Osteoporosis Foundation, USA, by the year 2010 about 12 million people above the age of 50 may get affected by osteoporosis in the country. Another 40 million people are expected to loose bone mass and by the year 2020 these figures may raise to 14 million and 47 million respectively.
The consequences of osteoporosis can be significantly traumatic because the people suffering from osteoporosis may get affected financially, physically, and psychologically. The fractures caused due to osteoporosis affect some individuals immensely by leaving them disable for their entire life. Women in their 70s and 80s are more prone to hip and wrist fractures. Some times these old age fractures are so traumatic that patients prefer death to a hip fracture.
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