The Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis Treatment
With aging, the bones in our body tend to get weak which could pave the way for osteoporosis risk. A patient suffering from osteoporosis is prone to fractures in bones around spine, hips and the wrist even with a slight stress. The conventional osteoporosis treatment recommends osteoporosis drugs such as fosamax, calcitriol and the estrogen replacement therapy for post-menopausal women. But despite the recommendation, some people prefer to opt for natural remedies rather than drugs because of the side effects of the drugs. The alternative osteoporosis treatment based on natural remedies not only slows down the bone loss, but also unlike the osteoporosis treatment drugs, they pave a way for healthy and active lifestyle.
Alternative Osteoporosis Treatment
Medical researches have proved that the natural remedies and alternative osteoporosis treatments are equally effective in treating osteoporosis. These alternative osteoporosis treatments are considered to be better than the conventional osteoporosis medications because they not only treat osteoporosis but are also free from all the side effects. The alternative osteoporosis treatments can also be used in osteoporosis prevention for the future.
If the cause and disease are diagnosed at an initial stage, osteoporosis patients can optimally cure their suffering by bringing some simple variations in their lifestyles and their diet. Here are some alternative osteoporosis treatment and natural remedy tips that you can follow:
- Exercise: Exercising for half an hour regularly is the first and the most effective alternative cure for osteoporosis. The exercise could comprise of light jogging or walking and also some weight bearing exercise for which you can consult your physician. Exercise not only keeps your body fit but it also helps in prevention of further bone loss.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Patients at osteoporosis risk must avoid the intake of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine as far as possible, because they reduce the body’s capacity to absorb the bone enriching nutrients. Apart from this, the osteoporosis patients must avoid falls that may result in fractures or cracks in the bones
- Diet in Osteoporosis: The patients must follow an optimal diet as directed by their physician. An osteoporosis patient must include adequate amount of Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium in their diet. Calcium and Vitamin D are required for the growth of bones and magnesium helps in preventing the loss of calcium from the body. You should include foods such as cheese, sardines, broccoli, dark leafy vegetables, soy and dairy products, almond milk, fruits, legumes, yogurt and kefir in your diet.
- Homeopathic osteoporosis cure: Homeopathy medicines can provide a healthy and a successful alternative treatment osteoporosis. The homeopathic remedies like Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica, Phosphorus, Silicea and Symphytum are recommended by the physician depending upon the symptoms to treat osteoporosis alternatively.
- Acupuncture: The use of acupuncture in treating osteoporosis alternatively is still under the reviews of research but several cases have been registered where acupuncture has effectively proven to be an alternative osteoporosis treatment. Generally, this technique of inserting needles in the skin around the affected bone under the guidance of a specialist is regarded beneficial only at the primary stage of osteoporosis. This method is not recommended to the patients acutely suffering from osteoporosis.
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